Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When & where is camp?

July 22-26, 2024

Columbia College

1301 Columbia College Dr,

Columbia, SC 29203

Camper Showcase is July 27, 2024 Location TBD

What time is drop off and pick up?

Drop off is between 8:30 and 9:00 am

Pick up is between 4:45 and 5:00 pm

Where is the camper showcase?


Who makes Girls Rock Camp happen?

Amazing volunteers from our community! Many of our volunteers are local musicians, teachers, artists, or work for other non-profits around our city. Some of our volunteers are camper parents. These folks share their talents and skills with our campers every year, and we are so grateful to have them. Everyone who volunteers at camp submits to a SLED background check to ensure the safety of everyone there. Year-round organizers & staff coordinate our camp planning each year.

I’ve never touched an instrument before? How am I going to learn this in 5 days?!

You won’t learn everything, and that’s okay! Rock Camp is all about trying new things and supporting our friends. You will learn how to play some notes! You’ll learn how to count rhythms. You’ll learn how to care for your instrument. Maybe you’ll write a solo! And you’ll definitely learn how to write parts that work for your band. Being in a band is about how all of the little parts come together to make something awesome! Your band will create a brand new song that no one has ever played before, and that is something to CELEBRATE! You’re going to learn a lot, but it’s okay to not be perfect! It’s all about trying your best and being BRAVE!

What do we do all day at camp?

Here’s the daily camp schedule! Everyone’s workshop schedule is different, but your band’s counselor will be there to help you get to the right place.

8:30AM-9 AM Camper arrival
9AM-9:30 AM Morning Assembly!   (Activities, dancing, games, songs)
9:40-11:00 AM Instrument Instructions or Workshop
11-11:10 AM Snack break!
11:15 – 12:35 PM Instrument Instruction or Workshop
1:45 – 3:10 PM Band Practice or Workshop
3:10-3:20 PM Snack break!
3:20-4:30 PM Band Practice or Workshop
4:30-4:45 PM Afternoon Assembly (Camp song, celebrate our successes!)
4:45-5:00 PM Camper departure

Have any unanswered questions?

Contact us at or leave a message at 803-881-8711 and we will get back to you ASAP!